Hello! This is the webpage for my school project! My name is Austin and I shall be the owner of this website today, tommorow, and forever. Right now, it is just for a school project, but who knows? Maybe I will use this later in life. Speaking of which, go ahead and look around! ~ Austin (P.S. this website should be able to be seen on any platform without any bugs, but if there are any, please don't ignore them.)
I am 14 years old with a birthday on May 5, 2004. I have four other siblings. Three of which are brothers and one of which is a sister. (But not a witch. I think.) I have a total of seven in my family, and I haved moved five times. Right now, I live in Georgia, but I used to live in Nevada, Washington, Virginia, North Carolina, and Colorado. My favorite food is mac-n-cheese. Can you guess what my favorite color is? (Hint: It is the main color on this page.)
My future career is something doing with either coding or inventing. I want to help the world somehow. My dream house is going to be either as weird as my personality or a modern house. If I get enough money going with my other jobs, then I will become a Lego technician, fulfilling the promise of my youger self.